For further information please contact:

+49 (0)561 56014565

Communications by the participants

For any communications regarding:

  • problems of access to the IIP
  • problems in the operational management of the IIP

the participant can send an email to Webware may also ask, if necessary, additional clarifications and information to the participant.

Communications by Webware

The planned interruptions of the IIP functionality, i.e., maintenance of the IIP itself will be notified by Webware promptly to all user of the IIP as well as to the contact beings for technical and operational communication, by appropriate notification to be sent, if possible, at least one calendar day in advance than the related  interruption/maintenance work. In such cases, Webware may also disclose, by means of a notice published as part of the IIP, the recurrence of the maintenance event.

In case of any unplanned malfunctions, interruptions, delays and suspensions of the features of the IIP, Webware shall promptly notify the market participant about such event by sending an e-mail to the address associated with the master user and the contact being for technical and operational communications. Webware will also make known the recurrence of such an event through a notice posted on its website under REMIT section.

Webware will also send a similar message after the restoration of the normal activities of the platform.

Useful information

Except in the cases referred to in the previous paragraph, the IIP is always active 365 days a year, 24 hours a


The purpose of this section is to provide some hands-on guidance on typical publications scenario’s and how to fulfil the regulatory requirements set out by REMIT. However, following the guidelines in this section does not in in any case remove the final liability and responsibility of Market Participants in case of incorrect disclosure of inside information following REMIT.

It is recommended to establish internal routines for handling of the disclosure requirements. In the event of any deviation between the guidelines described in this section and the responsibility of the member in REMIT.

Updating the UMM series

When new information appears, which is inside information or to be reported under the REMIT, a new message must be published. The new message must contain consistent information, so it is important to compare the  content of updates with previously published UMMs.

New information about the same event is published on the same UMM series.

Event start

Under normal circumstances, “Event Start” should not be changed after the start of the event, unless incorrect information was reported in the original UMM.

Event stop

  • For the message categories “Unavailability of electricity facilities” or “Unavailability of gas facilities” it is obligatory to specify Date and time of “Event Stop”. Event Stop” is the date and time when the planned  absence or change in available power will end or end.
  • For messages published for the category “Other” market information “Event Stop” is optional information. The “Event Stop” must not be specified for messages with permanent characteristics, e.g. when a new power plant is started up.

Available capacity

When changes in available capacity occur during the event, the updated “available capacity” should be indicated by publishing the updated version of the event.

Dismissing events

  • If the UMM concerns an event that will no longer occur, please edit UMM and select event status “Dismissed”.
  • A reason for cancellation must be provided.
  • The Dismissing of UMM Series is an action that cannot be undone.
  • If the UMM series was dismissed by mistake, a new UMM series may be published.


Remarks that are no longer relevant shall be deleted when updating a UMM.

Incorrect UMM was published

In the event that inaccurate information is published through a publishing company, it is responsible for correcting the information and notifying the market as soon as possible by

  • Update the UMM series with the correct information and indicate in the “Remarks” section that the information in the previous UMM series was incorrect, or
  • Cancel the UMM with the reason for cancellation and publish a new series of UMMs.

Publish UMM for special cases

The general rule is to use reporting schemes for power and gas facilities in all cases where specific assets and units are involved in order to ensure that the message is as detailed as possible.

However, there are cases where neither the production nor the consumption nor the transfer schemes are suitable for this situation. In these cases, the user can use the Other market information schema, which allows to receive less specific messages. Information explaining the situation or event must be entered in the “Remarks” text field.


An overlapping UMM is the same UMM that has the same message type, Unit, Unit EIC, type of inaccessibility and is active in the same time interval as an existing

UMM. UMM overlapping is not permitted by the system due to validation requirements. If you need to send an overlapping message, you should either update the existing message or cancel the existing one and create a new one. In most cases it is preferable to update an existing message.

Using draft function

The draft function allows the user to create blanks for use in future publications. Draft messages are supported at company level – all users of one company can access the stored draft messages.

Create a draft

  1. Perform the publication steps of a new message but click Save instead of Save and
  2. Draft message is saved.

Inside Information

No field validation is performed when saving a draft. The validation is performed only when user wants to publish a message from a saved draft.

Publish message from existing draft

  1. Go to My Messages to show saved drafts
  2. Select the draft from which you would like to publish a message.
  3. Complete the message and press Create to publish it.

Update a draft message

  1. From My Messages, select the draft which you would like to update.
  2. Modify the message.
  3. Press Save to save a new copy of the message.


  1. Go to My Messages list.
  2. In Actions column, click on the delete icon for the draft you would like to delete.
  3. Message is deleted

Publishing messages and consequently reporting is only open for registered users

Before publishing the first UMM, user should maintain the master data:
— Market Participant ID;
— Asset Information.

Messages are created via a web-based form by completing a form that reproduces the fields
in the Implementation Guide.

New urgent market message

As a registered REMIT IIP user company, it will have the right to publish new messages as well as to update already published company messages.

The user must select the combination of message category, message type and type of unavailability depending on what information is disclosed. The system automatically checks that all required information has been entered, which is necessary for UMM publication. Next to each field of the publication form there are information icons with explanatory comments.

UMM history

A UMM history is a thread of messages published through the UMM system and associated with the same information or event. When publishing, information about the same event must be reported in the same UMM history. This makes it easier for the reader to keep track of new information relating to the same event and is a requirement for web-based tools to correctly send information.

Field explanation

In the section “My Messages” you can choose the type of UMM to be created and by clicking on the button “Create UMM” a message publication form will be opened. The Message Publication Form is designed with clear  reference to ACER message category and type definitions.







  • Market Participant – identifies the market participant that is responsible for the public disclosure of the inside information related to the event described in the UMM. The field allows for identifying multiple market participants e.g.: a facility is associated to multiple equity holders under a joint operating agreement. In case the information is published via a third party service provider, it is the name of the market participant(s) that should be included in the field and NOT that of the service provider
  • Event Status – allows the distinction between UMMs that contain the most recent information on an event and can still influence trading decisions, and UMMs that are already outdated or that were updated. The term Active refers to a UMM that contains the most recent update on an event that will occur in the future or is occurring. The term Dismissed refers to a UMM that is not valid anymore due to the fact that it was cancelled, withdrawn or updated in the meantime and the term ‘Inactive’ is used for UMMs containing the most recent update on an event that already occurred in the past, i.e., the event status from and Active UMM changes to Inactive once the event that was reported in the UMM terminates.
  • Type of Event – details the subject of the unavailability. The term Production unavailability is used to report the unavailability of generation and production unit(s). The term Transmission unavailability refers to the unavailability of the transmission infrastructure. The term Consumption unavailability refers to the unavailability of electricity consumption unit(s). Other unavailability covers other types such as electric
    power storage unavailability, reduction station unavailability, measurement station unavailability, etc.
  • Event Start – describes the expected (if future) or actual (if past) starting time and date of the relevant event. This field together with the Event stop field allows the knowledge of the timeframe of the event and the assessment of its potential impact on wholesale energy prices. The time value should be normally set at least to the minute, only if such precision is not achievable at the time of the disclosure can the time value be rounded to the nearest hour. If the exact date or time of the Event Start is not known at the time of publication, an estimate should be provided and the UMM should be updated once information exists on
    the event that allows greater precision. In case of an unplanned unavailability the Event start time may fall before the Publication date/time of the UMM. Still it is important to note that, in general, no trading based on that information can occur before the UMM is published
  • Event Stop – describes the estimated (if future) or actual (if past) time and date at which the relevant event stops(ed). This field together with the Event start field provides the timeframe of the event and the assessment of its potential impact on wholesale energy prices. The time value should be normally set at least to the minute, only if such precision is not achievable at the time of the disclosure can the time value be rounded to the nearest hour. If the exact date or time of the Event Stop is not known at the time of publication, an estimate should be provided and the UMM should be updated once information exists on
    the event that allows greater precision. In case the event is of permanent nature and the Event Stop cannot be filled (e.g.: in case of mothballing, new capacity comes online etc.), then the event should be reported using the 3rd schema type – Other market information. In that schema the field Event stop is optional.
  • Unit of Measurement – identifies the unit used for the reported quantity in fields Unavailable Capacity, Available Capacity, and Installed/Technical Capacity
  • Unavailable Capacity – measures the capacity of the facility concerned that is affected by the event, i.e.: the capacity that will be unavailable due to the event.
  • Available Capacity – measures the capacity of the facility concerned that will not be affected by the event, i.e.: the capacity that will remain available. The available capacity must be expressed in absolute terms NOT in percentages
  • Installed Capacity – measures the nominal generating/transmission/consumption capacity. It is the maximum electrical active power/energy interchange the facility can produce/ transmit /consume  continuously throughout a long period of operation in normal conditions, under relevant security standards.
  • Type of Unavailability – indicates whether the unavailability was planned or not sorting the messages into two main types that may have different timeframes and implications on the markets. The term planned unavailability means a programmed change in capacity (for example: a maintenance, seasonal closing, etc.) and the term “unplanned unavailability” means a not programed change in capacity (for example: an outage, forced limitation). Planned events are intentional and driven by human decision while unplanned events are not intentional and usually not driven by human decision.
  • Reason of Unavailability – text field to state an explanation on the cause(s) of the unavailability. This field is mandatory and reported to ACER
  • Remarks – provide more detailed information on the event that allows a full understanding of its potential impact on wholesale energy prices. This field must be used when submitting the Other market information schema in order to provide an explanation on the reason(s) for the message. Other market information is usually less structured, hence the Remarks field should be used to explain the relevant circumstances of the event with regards to the possible impact on wholesale energy prices.
  • Fuel Type – gives additional information on the source of energy used by the production or generation unit concerned. This field is mandatory only if production unavailability is selected in the field Type of Event.  For other types of unavailability this field is not mandatory
  • Bidding Zone – provides the identification of the bidding zone(s) where the affected asset or unit is located using the EIC Y coding schema on the areas for inter System Operator data interchange.
  • Balancing Zone – provides the identification of the balancing zone(s) where the affected asset or unit is located using the EIC Y coding schema for the areas. The field should allow for multiple EIC codes in case several delivery points are available (e.g. gas storage connected to a number of balancing zones). In case of interconnector pipeline IN and OUT Balancing Zones shall be provided in this field.
  • Affected Asset or Unit – identifies and locates the facility where the event is about to occur/is  occurring/occurred using its official name. The information included in the field shall relate to a specific production/consumption asset/unit or connection. The affected facility has to be identified with the highest level of granularity i.e. if the production unit for generation of electricity is made up of an aggregation of generation units, the generation unit(s) that is (are) unavailable need(s) to be identified. In case the event cannot be associated to a single facility (e.g.: in case of general strike, floods affecting hydro generation etc.) the information should be published using the 3 rd schema type – Other market information. In case of transmission asset, IN and OUT Bidding Zones should be provided in this field
  • Affected Asset or Unit EIC Code – identifies the affected asset or unit by its EIC code. It includes the EIC W, T or Z code of the facility that is unavailable. The affected asset or unit EIC code has to be identified at the most granular level i.e. if the production unit for generation of electricity is made up of an aggregation of generation units, the generation unit(s) that are unavailable needs to be identified.


User accounts in REMIT IIP with corresponding services (REMIT article 4 report, transparency report) are supported by Webware support service.

Users are personal, but are defined at the Company level. The following applies to all users belonging to the same organisation:

  • Equal rights to publishing – update and delete Company’s messages.
  • All users can publish of any market participant. The publisher will always be the organisation of the user who sends the message.

Publisher vs. Market Participant

The concept of Publisher and Market Participant allows for a simple and easy 3rd party message publication in REMIT IIP.

  • Publisher is defined as the organisation that actively publish a message. A Publisher can have one or many users all having same user rights to publish messages and update default values for station data. A Publisher can  publish on one or many Market Participant(s).
  • Market Participant refers to the ACER definition of an organisation subjected to the regulatory obligation to disclose insider information and report following REMIT article 4. This is typically the  organisation that executes the physical transactions on the energy wholesale market.

As regards the obligation to disclose inside information, under Article 4(1) of REMIT, market participants have an obligation to publicly disclose in an effective and timely manner inside information which they possess in respect of business or facilities which the market participant concerned, or its parent undertaking or related undertaking, owns or controls or for whose operational matters that market participant or undertaking is responsible, either in whole or in part.” (REMIT Manual of Procedures on Data Reporting, page 10)”

Log In


  1. Go to the REMIT IIP URL in a web browser:
  2. In top-right corner click Login
  3. Enter your Username and Password Press




Add/Delete/Modify Users

You are able to add/delete/modify users on the site in section “Users”.

Resetting passwords

If the user has lost his/her/its password, he/ she/it can request its regeneration via “Reset Password” on the Login page. It will send link to set the new password to the email address of the User.


Message list

When you open the REMIT Inside information platform, you will automatically see a list of messages, where the published messages are listed with the latest messages at the top.

The public IIP section has three separate boards for viewing and downloading messages published by market participants in xml and csv format, namely:

  • Electricity
  • Gas
  • Other

The data are presented in tabular form, filtered and sorted based on the main fields.

The columns in the message list are sorted by clicking on the column header. By default, UMMs in the message list view are sorted by the publication time in the middle column.

The message list is a live view and is updated automatically when a new UMM is published

Message details

From the list of messages, the user can view the details of a single message by clicking the eye button ( ) on the message line.

Message status

Published UMMs have three different statuses:

  • Active – UMM that contains the most recent update on an event that will occur in the future or is occurring.
  • Inactive – UMM that contains the most recent update of an event that has already occurred in the past.
  • Dismissed – for situations of cancellation or withdrawal of the message and when the message was updated.

When entering the platform, the message is assigned the status “Active”, which is held until:

  • message is replaced by a more updated version or it is withdrawn. In such cases, the status becomes “Dismissed”;
  • overcoming the “end date” of the presented event. In this case the message state becomes “Inactive”.

A message in the “Dismissed” state is no longer valid for publication in IIP. A message in the “Inactive” state is an actual message that has naturally completed its life cycle. A message related to a past event is directly set to “Inactive”. The Inactive status can not set by user. The status will be set automatically when message will be  expired by time.

Filter messages

The message list shows all UMMs based on the applied filter settings. By default all published UMMs are displayed with the date of the event starting from the current day. The filter settings may vary depending on the browser you are using.

 Inside Information

  • Market participant – select ACER Market Participant to display the messages matching selected Market participant.
  • Event Status – selects messages having status Active or Dismissed. To filter active messages with event time in future user must combine the Status filter with Ongoing events filter. All messages that have been dismissed (withdrawn) by the user receives are marked as Dismissed. A dismissed message cannot be updated further
  • Type of event – filter messages on ACER message category (e.g.Injection unavailability, Withdrawal unavailability or other market information)
  • Event start/stop – the start/end time of the event. Messages will be displayed with the time of the event, which fully or partially coincides with the selected filter time date.

 Inside Information

  • Type of unavailability – select to show Planned or Unplanned events
  • Publication date/time – filter messages by time range when the message was published.
  • Unavailable Capacity – select the capacity of a station or unit(s) that is unavailable during the time of the event.
  • Available Capacity – select the capacity of a station or unit(s) that is available during the time of the event.
  • Technical Capacity – select nominal technical capacity.
  • Areas – filter messages by bidding and balancing zone areas.

Copy link or filter settings

This functionality will give you easy access to the information you are interested in.

  • Start by filtering the relevant information in the filter settings described above
  • Click the link icon at the top of the page. The permanent link based on your filter settings has now been copied and you can paste it into a new browser.
  • Keep it as your favourite in your browser. Each time you open the link, you will find updated information based on your filter settings.

Sort messages

To sort messages by column in ascending or descending order, the user clicks on the column header. By default, messages are sorted by time of publication with the last published message at the top of the list

Free text search

The “Remarks” text field, located on the right side of the list of filters in the “Other” section, offers free text search. This functionality is usually used when a user wants to find special information that has been entered into UMM text fields. The search text is compared to UMM text fields and returns messages in which a text string is matched to text information.

ATOM notification. ATOM FEEDS

REMIT IIP uses ATOM to send web feed notifications to subscribers about newly published UMMs. Feeding is performed according to the settings of the applied filter

The stop date of the publication date filter is not counted in the ATOM feed. This means that the user will receive continuous notifications of new published messages with the default filter setting on the date of the last 7 days.

The user subscribes to the newsletter either by entering the URL of the newsletter in the web feeds reader or by clicking on the browser ribbon icon. The ATOM reader regularly checks user tapes for new information and can automatically download it if this feature is enabled.

Most web browsers (e.g. Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome) have a web feeds reader built in to subscribe to the REMIT UMM ATOM channel.

If you want to receive email notifications, Outlook can be configured to subscribe to ATOM channels.


Set up EMAIL notification using ATOM feed


  • Right-click on the website Atom feed icon for the feed you want
  • Select Copy shortcut.
  • Open Outlook and click File > Accounts Settings button > Accounts Settings > RSS tab > New
  • Paste the copied RSS feed link into the dialog box.
  • Click OK

URL´s to messages

When viewing information about a message published UMM URL in your browser indicates a single message and can be used as a link to the UMM outside the application. The URL contains the Message ID and Version, which also match the corresponding XML version of the UMM if the user downloaded the UMM data from Webware’s  FTP.

To access the URLs of draft messages, you must log in



REMIT Article 4 forwarding data to ACER

As a REMIT article 4 subscription publisher, all your Urgent Market Messages (UMM) that you publish will be automatically reported to the REMIT ACER platform in the correct format.

When publishing a UMM, the Publishing Company must specify one or more registered ACER Market Participant(s) to meet reporting requirements. The Publishing Company may choose either its own ACER registrar or a third party if publication is on behalf of another company with an obligation to disclose insider information.

The system automatically checks by format that the data in the mandatory fields is entered correctly

The REMIT Inside Information Platform is developed in accordance with European regulations on information disclosure for the energy market, including article 4 of REMIT. REMIT Inside Information Platform gives you the assurance that your messages will be delivered to the market quickly, clearly and in accordance with fundamental market regulations.

REMIT Article 4 – Inside Information Disclosure

Regulation of integrity and transparency of the wholesale energy market (EU) No 1227/2011(REMIT) is an EU regulation designed to increase transparency and stability in the European energy markets, while discouraging insider trading and market manipulation. REMIT was adopted in the European Union in 2011. Part of the regulation entered into force in all EU member states, while some obligations related to registration and reporting of transactions come into force only after the adoption of REMIT implementation acts. The EU Agency ACER is responsible for supervision and regulation of energy markets in accordance with REMIT.

Pursuant to Article 10(2) of the Implementing Regulation, the obligation to provide inside information rests with the market participant, who is also required to publicly disclose inside information pursuant to Article 4(1) of the REMIT.

Detailed guidance on what to publish according to REMIT is described in the ACER REMIT Application Guide, 4th edition.

The Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) monitors the reporting regime and ensures greater market transparency, helping to reduce the risk of manipulation.

While the general reporting obligation remains with the market participant, under Article 10(1) of the Implementing Regulation, the market participant may use third-party service providers for this purpose, such as REMIT Inside Information Platform by Webware.

As of 1 January 2017, it is mandatory to provide published insider information related to power and gas outages to ACER via ATOM web feeds designed specifically for ACER. National regulators (NRAs) are responsible for monitoring that inside information published under Article 4 complies with REMIT requirements.

What is the REMIT Inside Information Platform?

  REMIT Inside Information Platform is Webware´s solution for Market Participants to disclose market information in accordance with European regulations. The system offers simple publication of information about interruptions in production, consumption or transmission as well as other relevant market information.

The IIP has been structured in such a way as to centralise, standardise, register, make accessible and monitorable all inside information published on it, thus enabling all market participants operating on one or more wholesale energy markets at the European level to comply with the obligation to publish information under Article 4 of the REMIT.

For this purpose, the platform has a closed, access-controlled section reserved for market participants who want to publish inside information, and an open section that allows any interested party to access this information in various ways.

The inside information provided through the platform is maintained in accordance with the conditions continuously updated in accordance with the technical/operational requirements specified by the ACER in its Guidelines.

Any company using the REMIT Inside Information Platform for publishing or reading information must agree and comply with the Terms and Conditions. For more information on how to complete messages, please refer to the provisions contained in the Acer REMIT Portal.

How can I access the system?

REMIT Inside Information Platform is fully web-based and available at the following URL:

How do I register to become a publisher on the REMIT Inside
Information Platform?

To get access to the Inside Information Platform, please register on the portal or send a request to our customer service:
Phone: +49 (0)561 56014565


How to enable and access service for market participant through IIP?

Webware checks the accuracy and completeness of the information provided within 15 working days of receiving the request.

If the validation is successful, Webware will send an email notification to the requesting participant within the period specified above, informing them of the success of the registration and the credentials, Login and Password to access the IIP platform.

If Webware discovers any irregularities or incompleteness during these checks, Webware will inform the market participant about the measures required for filling in, correcting or adjusting, as well as about the time period within which the participant should do so. This message will interrupt the 15-day period set by Webware for verification. If a member does not respond by the deadline set by Webware, then process of authorisation is irrevocably lost.

Access details and password must be changed the first time you login to the portal.

The user included in the IIP services, using the credentials received, acts as the “main user” and can create more service accounts. If a user has lost his or her password, he or she can request to restore it via “Reset Password”.

Access to the web service interface will be allowed as a result of the first access to the platform.

What language and time zone settings are used by the platform?

The language of publication is English .

The date/time format used by the platform is CET/CEST: all date/time fields provided as input by participants  must be in that format.


Regulation (EC) No. 1227/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2011 on the integrity and transparency of the wholesale electricity market (hereinafter: REMIT) establishes European rules for the prevention of abuse on the wholesale electricity and natural gas market by prohibiting market manipulation (article 5) and the abuse of internal information (article 3, the so-called insider trading ban). Referring to the prohibition of insider trading, article 4 of the REMIT requires market participants1 to communicate effectively and in a timely manner available internal information “in respect of companies or funds owned or controlled by the market participant concerned, the parent or associated company, or for the operational matters of which the market participant or associated company is wholly or partly liable”. This obligation may be deemed to have been met even in the case of aggregate publication of available inside information as set out in the same article in paragraph 4. The definition of effective and timely communication has been further elaborated in the ACER Guidelines (Chapters 7.2) to the extent that the obligation is deemed to have been effectively removed from the market participant in the case of publication of information on a centralised platform (prepared by the TSO or exchange) that allows information to be disseminated in a uniform manner that is easily accessible to the public. In that regard, ACER called for regulated markets, such as the Webware, to establish centralised platforms for the publication of insider information. Currently, the REMIT platform prepared by the ACER has devoted a section to publishing a list of such platforms available in Europe


IP – Inside Informa.on Pla0orm
UMM – Urgent Market Message