
Service subscription

REMIT Article 4 forwarding data to ACER

As a REMIT article 4 subscription publisher, all your Urgent Market Messages (UMM) that you publish will be automatically reported to the REMIT ACER platform in the correct format.

When publishing a UMM, the Publishing Company must specify one or more registered ACER Market Participant(s) to meet reporting requirements. The Publishing Company may choose either its own ACER registrar or a third party if publication is on behalf of another company with an obligation to disclose insider information.

The system automatically checks by format that the data in the mandatory fields is entered correctly

REMIT ACER platform
Article Name
REMIT ACER platform
As a REMIT article 4 subscription publisher, all your Urgent Market Messages (UMM) that you publish will be automatically reported to the REMIT ACER platform in the correct format.